
This page is being designed to help members work though the steps necessary to acquire skills in working with the AncestryDNA web site and tools.  It goes hand in hand with the skills assessments undertaken at SAG Research Group meetings.  If members have any ideas for additional resources that can be added to these pages, please contact Veronica Williams.

This blogpost by Christine Woodlands provide a great summary for your ‘First look at AncestryDNA’.

The topics included in this section will be progressively added to in line with SAG DNA Research Group meetings.  It is intended to be a self paced learning program and members should become competent in all performance criteria within a skill level, before moving on to the more advanced levels.

Each topic area will be based upon these generic skill levels and performance criteria:

  • New DNA Researcher – no knowledge
  • Basic/Beginner – limited experience, needs help with most things
  • Intermediate – understand concepts, but needs help in applying the tools
  • Advanced – understand concepts and tools, would benefit from working with others

After deciding where you fit using the information below, please click on the appropriate link to take you to the relevant page for your skill level, where you will find more resources.


Develop your AncestryDNA skills

New researcher I don’t know what to do with my AncestryDNA results

  • I have taken an autosomal DNA test at AncestryDNA
  • I have added a family tree to my AncestryDNA account
  • I have linked my AncestryDNA results to my Ancestry Tree

Basic/Beginner I have limited experience and need help with most things

  • I know how to find help on the website and where to ask questions
  • I know how to navigate the site, find other people trees, shared matches
  • I am aware of the various chrome extension tools and how they can help me utilise the AncestryDNA site
  • I understand the concepts of shared DNA and what it means for my research
  • I have downloaded my ‘raw data’ file and uploaded it’ to GEDmatch, FTDNA, or MyHeritage

Intermediate I use and understand how most of the AncestryDNA tools can help me analyse my DNA results

  • I understand the concepts of AncestryDNA Circles and how they can help me
  • I understand the concepts of New Ancestor Discoveries and how they can help me
  • I understand the concepts of AncestryDNA genetic communities and how they help my research
  • I use DNAgedcom tools to export AncestryDNA data to help me with my research

Advanced I am confident in navigating the AncestryDNA site and how different third party tools help my research

  • I have experimented with virtually all the tools on the site and understand when to use them and what the results mean on most occasions